Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 7 - Joseph leaves his incubator

Joseph is 7 weeks old today, and to celebrate the nurses moved him out of his incubator and into a little cot, still connected to his monitor and still with his nasogastric tube, but now out in the warm air of the room !!! The reason for the move is mainly because he has put on enough weight - he now weighs 4 pounds and 4 ounces - the extra body fat will allow him to regulate his body temperature.
We are delighted and joyful and I thank God for the care He is taking of Joseph and for all the prayers from our brothers and sisters. We are truly privileged to have such prayer support for our son and I am sure that he would not be sleeping in a cot tonight if it had not been that God has had mercy on him and has lent His ear to all your prayers in favor of Joseph. So, a big thank you to you and please continue to ask the Lord for healing for Joseph in his head.

The photo on the right of the screen was taken today.

With love in Christ


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He looks so adorable, Michelle! What an exciting move for you! Keeping you in our prayers......

Gabriel and Joseph + Mummy

Gabriel and Joseph + Mummy

Joseph, Papa + Mummy

Joseph, Papa + Mummy

Joseph smiling!

Joseph smiling!


A cuddle with mummy